Wednesday, September 7, 2011

My first day back

It seems that with each vaccination I get, the swelling and red blotch on my arm gets a little larger. Sadly, I didn't take a photo of what my arm looked like this last time around but it was probably around the size of the bottom of a coffee mug (if you were to press it to your arm and trace the circumference with a pen). That is most definitely larger then the first two injections I received. I'm hoping that as the weeks go by and I continue to get vaccinations my entire arm doesn't blow up so that I look like I have Elephantitis. I guess we shall see.

My last few days of freedom before returning to work proved to be pretty damn good as I had a trip to Miami with my ladies booked. I was able to get a nice tan (that I apparently couldn't acquire the entire summer while laying in my yard), go out and have fun with my friends before returning to the real world. Some highlights of the trip include:

* Peeing in a cup so my friend could pore it on her hand in order to subside the burning feeling of her newly acquired jellyfish sting
* Receiving VIP seats and free drinks from old Indian men whom were quite fond of a few of us (especially my cousin who was probably 2ft taller then the smitten one, resting his head on her bosom while trying to dance with her)
* My girls getting hit on by two, much older DRUNK of which was pointing to my phone which I was holding out in front of me but wound up basically poking me in my chest. Way to cop a free feel, buddy.
* One of my wonderful friends (whom shall remain nameless) getting so drunk that she fell asleep at the bar one night and wound up puking all over a cab one of the following nights...

Good times, people. Good times...

Which leads me into my first day back at work which was yesterday, 9/6. One would think that being out for basically 2 months I would receive some help on my first day back. NOPE! Not that lucky, sucker! My colleague had a scheduled week vacation this week which is fine...but I was informed that at least I would have one person here to help me as I returned to the office. I think it was a FINE idea to let me fend for myself my very first day back at work - especially not knowing what the hell was going on, what orders were open, who was working, etc. This is the company I work for. They really care a great deal for their associates. Clearly.

On top of all of that, I also brought home a stomach bug from Miami...causing me to be in the bathroom every 20 minutes with shit (literally) coming out both sides of me (I know, I'm very lady-like) as well as horrendous stomach pains. I was legit sitting at my desk with my work pants completely unbuttoned and un-zipped because I couldn't deal with any pressure on my belly.

Needless to say, my first day back sucked huge hairy-ass balls.

On a lighter note, I was asked to sing The National Anthem this coming Sunday for 9/11 at Asbury Park's Oyster Festival! I'm excited just to go to the festival but singing at it is even better. Especially being able to do something patriotic on a day such as that. It always brings back memories of being in high school 10 years ago (yikes, I'm showing my age) and watching everything happen on a small TV in the Library of my school. Crazy.

My next appointments at Sloan aren't until October which I am SUPER happy about. At least I won't have to go for another month.