Friday, June 10, 2016

The Time Has Come.

Being on Hospice for 6 days becomes even scarier when you're told you have days to weeks until the time has come.

The last 2 weeks have been such a whirlwind I honestly don't even remember them. Tuesday, May 24th I was home in WV when I woke up feeling like I was super bloated. The next day my stomach was so bloated feeling that I looked preg and felt like it was going to explode. I kept calling my doctor but they said unless I was throwing up there was nothing that could be done. Welp, Friday the 27th I started puking like the chick from The Exorcist. Just tons and tons of green liquid bile.

Dan and I wound up leaving for Jersey that night around 10pm, not knowing what the next day would bring. I think as we pulled down the driveway I just knew that would be the last time I'd ever see my house.

We went to the ER at NYU that Saturday, the 28th where my scans showed my mass had grown again and was pushing on my stomach even more, blocking it. There were so many things being thrown around but they finally came to the conclusion that a tube had to be placed in my stomach, down through my nose, in order to drain the bile and any other fluid. It was horrific. Finally, 2 days later by some Grace of God, a team of other doctors said they would be able to place one directly in my stomach which would be connected to a bag to be drained. Anything would be better than to have some giant tube down the back of my throat into my stomach.

Once that was done and we found out nothing more could be done for me, I was moved to St Peter's University Hospital Hospice Oncology Ward on Saturday, June 4th. Since I was coming to terms with not being able to fulfill a normal Bucket List, riding in an ambulance with the lights on was added. Let me tell you - ambulances SUCK. I had JUST had this tube installed in my stomach and the whole hour ride from NYU to St Peter's was filled with bumps and dips and pain and white-knuckled hands. Let's just say I won't be looking forward to any other rides going forward.

So anyway, here is where I have remained since they brought me. Because of this tube, I've only been allowed to have clear broths, so I haven't been able to eat...ANYTHING. It SUCKS royally. I figured once the end came I'd at least be able to pig out on every and anything I could possibly want since I was so diligent but noooooooooooo. Why give me that??! I can feel myself becoming weaker and more tired. It's scary.

This whole thing is scary. I'm scheduled to move to my mom's house on Monday so hopefully that goes smoothly and I'll at least be able to spend the end at home and not in some hospital room. It's just hard to imagine that this is Life. I try to look back and remember how incredibly AMAZING my life was up until this point and I can at least say that it really was. I travelled, I loved, I sang, I did some life changing things...I had a wonderful childhood with amazing parents and awesome friends. My Life has been incredible - I just wish it was longer.

All I can say for now is, please continue to pray for me - not to be cured because that's obviously not happening, but for peace. Peace of mind while I deal with whatever lies ahead. The unknown is the scariest part of this whole thing and while I'm doing my best to allow God to take the wheel, it's so incredibly terrifying.

Thank you for the unconditional support, messages, love, positive thoughts and prayers now and for the last almost 8 years. I would've never made it this far without all of you.


  1. Sending you so much love.. thoughts of peace and light. I love you Best.

  2. Sending you so much love.. thoughts of peace and light. I love you Best.

  3. God bless you Erin. I will continue to pray for you daily. Xoxo

  4. Love you Erin, glad you made it out of "the ghetto!" Bucket list accomplishment for sure!
    -Dan J.

  5. I've seen for sometime now everyone wishing you well wishes and asking for prayers and I did not have the heart to ask why now? What's happening. It took your words for me to know and see what you are going through. I just wanted to let you know over the years ive thought about everyone from saint Elizabeth's and if anything now that I look at it you and everyone we went to school with were some of my longest lasting friends and I cherished that. We may not have spoken a lot and I may not have been there when you needed my support the most but you have always been on my mind and just reading what you wrote shows me more strength then I've seen from anyone who's crossed my path in my life. Maybe it's late but my heart is with you.

  6. Erin, im praying that you find peace and strength �� I hope that you are comfortable at home. Praying for you and your family. Thank you for the amazing times we had together .

  7. Praying that God gives you the peace you need to move forward. Please know that you have blessed so many people with your strength, sense of humor, compassion, beautiful voice, and magnetic smile. You have left an inedible mark on my heart. <3 and peace to you.

  8. God bless you Erin! May God grant you peace and hold your hand along the way!

  9. You are a friend of my co worker and dear friend Arianna. The stories she's shared have been amazing to hear. You are a beautiful soul, and you were meant to be here to touch the lives you have. May god give you peace and comfort and lead you in as beautifully as he brought you here. God bless you, your family and your friends!!!

  10. Dear Erin, those nasal-gastric tubes are the worst! I had to be held down when they put mine in. I ended up with what you have -- a G-tube. My issue was fixable with surgery, but at least I can identify with how horrible this procedure is. I'm glad you can look back on your life with joy, and I know others who knew you must feel the same way about the joy you brought them. May you feel peace, with no more awful procedures!

  11. Prayers for you! I pray that God gives you the peace you want & deserve. I also pray that he continues to take care of you & your family. I'm sorry this has happened to you but just know everything will be ok, as hard as that may be to see right now.

  12. I don't know you, Erin...but I have been following your desperate struggle. I know my precious niece Jaime loves you to death and our entire family has held you up in prayer on a daily basis for months. In the end you will be held tightly in the arms of the Lord...leaving your loved ones behind to mourn the loss of your short but amazingly beautiful life. I admire your strength and your faith and your ability to look this piece of crap in the eye and stand up to it!!! you are a warrior and I really wish I knew you...I wish I were as strong, and hope I never have to be. I thank you for sharing your journey... God bless you and keep you (and your loved ones) <3 until we finally meet........Godspeed

  13. You're right.. You have had an incredible life and it's a privilege to be there for so much it. You've helped to make my life more incredible. Through all of this, you have inspired me to dare to dream and dream BIG. Our time here on Earth is too short. Take it by the horns and do anything and everything you ever might have thought about doing. You have meant so much to me and you always will. I'm taking it upon myself to make you proud and live in this great legacy that you have paved the path for. I can't believe how much your mind has shifted to non mainstream medicine. You've taught me to have an open/growth mindset. To keep asking questions. To not be content. To being open to any possibilities. I'm dedicating my life to helping others feel better, be healthier, and allow them to dare greatly. You are the motivating factor for this and I can't think of doing anything more satisfying. Thanks for being in my life and being a huge part of it. Love you so much Erin. Thank you for all that you have given me.

  14. I just read your story and I am enamored by your strength, humor and honesty. I wish you a peace that envelopes your entire body and soul. Frankly, you have earned it. I am very sorry that you are nearing the end of this life. However, you leave an indelible mark on the world with your fight. May the mercy and hope of God grant you a peaceful and loving passage to Heaven. God bless you and your loved ones. You are so brave and strong. You are a warrior.

  15. Erin, it's been a loooong time since high school but it feels like yesterday! Like everyone else, I remember you by your infectious personality and confidence coupled with incredible talent. I am both praying for your peace and also knowing that it will come. 12 years ago my spleen ruptured and I bled out internally. While I was eventually resuscitated and stabilized, I also experienced several cardiac/respiratory arrests. I only remember the first arrest when the ambulance came. I just want to let you know that before it happened I was in more pain than I ever thought possible and right before I had so much peace. All the pain went away and a feeling came over me that I can't describe. I remember being so irritated at the paramedics for trying to help me because I just wanted to follow the feeling. Anyway, I know the unknown is scary but from someone who has partially been there I want to let you know that it's not bad. all my best xoxo Jacklyn Kenny

  16. I came across your story, yet with tears in my eyes as I read your battles,i see this BEAMING SMILE on your beautiful face..I lost my mother(adoptive) & brother in-law to the dreaded "C".. it's devided our family, yet I still have hope they will someday understand my reasoning for introducing my mother to marijuana.. she was so restless in her few minutes of slumber when able (4 solid hrs) & her appetite was gargantuan that afternoon.. she also had Alzheimers & dementia.. she was lucky to make new/old friends daily tho.. I wish for you to have peace within you, while knowing, you & I not knowing of each other, there are others that care about you young lady..take as many breaths as desired doll, you've earned it.. I pinky-swear to you my new friend, every evening I'll be thinking of you, if desired we can correspond.. if you find it withinyour, your more than welcome to email me @ punch the time clock to be entitled to your paid break)add me on fb fantastic chicklet smile & allow you to know someone from mpls,mn. cares about ya kid.. keep keeping on Erin..til we share words again.. Bradly

  17. Hi Erin.
    I'm proud of you for still being the writer that you are, documenting for all of us what this journey of yours has been.
    My prayers for you have been healing for your family strength restoring of faith, being kept in the white light of the Holy Spirit, having renewal of the gifts of the Spirit, especially fortitude, wonder and awe and piety.
    Love you, dear Erin.
    Don't be afraid.
    Prayers for peace always,
